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Cougar flirt

How to Flirt with a Cougar

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These men are successful business men and have lots of money. Flirting with a cougar is a hundred times easier than flirting with a younger woman. This is a major area for you to enchant her.

Trust me — a direct approach to a cougar is the only safe approach. Mike's body language told me that he picked up on my clues which helped him get closer to his own orgasm. She's got the fat bank account, you've got the empty bedroom and the lack of need for Viagra. Dating you is a risk, and she may relax if she feels in control of the pace of the relationship.

Married Cougar flirting with co - When a man knows how to write living, breathing erotica to his woman, both will be very, very happy.

Dear Angel, If Cougars are horny and want to havewhy is it so hard to get one to connect with me to. I try to sext them and send messages, but nothing works. Curious Cub Hi Curious, I feel for guys like you. I get messages every single day from guys trying to flirt with me, and I have the exact opposite reaction. Men are looking for a woman who likes sex. I am a woman who loves sex. If it is too much too fast, I don't even read the second sentence of an eager Cub's message. You can't start with dessert when you haven't even set the table. It's a missed opportunity for sure. If you like exciting a woman, there are plenty of Cougars out there. Are women saying no to you. Maybe you need a new approach. We ladies are so easy when it comes to reading erotic messages. If too many women delete your messages, there's definitely a problem. Go to There are lots of horny women out there. They are hanging out in the chat rooms and on the dating sites. Do you know a single woman out there who doesn't to text. You have the answer in the palm of your hand. There is an art to inviting a woman to have an encounter with you—cyber or real time. Once you know the words to use, you can write her texts, emails and cards that will always work. Women can not resist the written word. It is worth every bit of cougar flirt on your part to learn which words to write and when. If a Cub starts by describing his length and girth down under, it is very intimate and has the opposite effect on me. If it was part of a story much later on in the scene, I may have liked it. When a man knows how to write living, breathing erotica to his woman, both will be very, very happy. cougar flirt Like I said, we are easy when it comes to classy story telling. So where do you begin. Once you cougar flirt that part of her out to cougar flirt it is like you are a fountain of youth for her. Take all the time you need to awaken this part of your lady. Your success depends on it. She hasn't really been 17 for a very long time. Her heart has been broken dozens of times. Men have used her and abused her. The working world has chewed her up. Lucky for you, you don't have to undo her history. What you do need to do is respect it. She may seem very confident to you. She's strong and has been protecting herself for a long time. Dating you is a risk, and she may relax if she feels in control of the pace of the relationship. Even though she is okay with the age difference, the taboo view of family and friends needs to be eased. That means at some point, makeup and Spanx will be gone, and she will be her fabulous self. Though you love her body, she may not. There's a good chance that she is feeling badly about her body. Sags, ripples and dimples, spots, dots and wrinkles have appeared, and she is not thrilled. This is a major area for you to enchant her. It is not easy to turn a woman's thoughts around when it comes to her self-esteem, but when you do, she will adore you. Today, I am a 62-year-old who is having the best sex of my life. The much younger man who helped me discover how fun sex is will always be special to me. Move delicately here and build trust so she can explain to you what she cougar flirt. Phone sex can be hot also, but text sex has a nice advantage. She can keep it and read it again, and again. There is a good chance that she will feel safe and distant and that can open her up to major orgasmic activity. For some of us, there is nothing hotter than texting romantic actions back and forth with the right partner. It is like being in a romance novel. She may doubt your motives and not believe you are really attracted to her. The bottom line is that your Cougar is a survivor of love, romance and sex gone wrong. She has her history, and she likes you because you have a shorter story than hers. She loves attention and may be starving for exactly what you have to offer her. She may also doubt your motives and not believe that you are truly attracted to her. Let her control the pace. Show her you care about what is important to her. Let her take the relationship to the next level when she is ready. cougar flirt Flirt with her, and remember, she needs to feel smitten. You may be smitten, but cougar flirt doesn't mean she is. If you are not sure if she is smitten, she is not. Read through the 5 tips above one more time. It is super flattering cougar flirt have a younger man interested; she just needs to see, feel and know it is real. Once she is smitten, the door opens. Cougar romance is every bit as hot as you've heard. Take your time and enjoy the ride. If you crave risky pleasure, can't find a partner or are just plain frustrated with sex, take the quiz at.

Pussies: How To Get Cougar Pussy
Sure I love the smell and taste of fresh pussy but I want to control who notices mine! I took his free hand and guided him to my very wet pussy. He was nervous and I could read that in his face. When we entered the restaurant I wanted all eyes on me and wearing a backless dress I decided to slut it up a little and not wear a bra. One thing that attracts attention from men is black pantyhose. I would never forgive myself for walking away too soon. My girl friend never wears stockings or pantyhose. She hasn't really been 17 for a very long time. Oh what a girl could feel with that thick meat in her.

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Fernsehsendung visite


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Bei gesundheitlichen Beschwerden konsultieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt oder Zahnarzt. The top trending search queries, updated continuously throughout the day. Im Hinblick auf die verwendeten Begrifflichkeiten, wie z.

Nutzer können optional ein Nutzerkonto anlegen, indem sie insbesondere ihre Bestellungen einsehen können. Bei gesundheitlichen Beschwerden konsultieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt oder Zahnarzt. Vielleicht aber wird sich auf A.

Filme - Als Skeptizist google ich gerade nach einem wissenschaftlichen Beleg über die Wirksamkeit.

Vielleicht aber wird sich auf A. Jedenfalls wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass die Durchblutung der Gelenkschleimhaut verbessert wird. Das nennt man eine Hypothese. Eine Hypothese muss man in der Schulmedizin beweisen; in der Glaubensmedizin glaubt man sie einfach. Schauen Sie es sich einmal an; der Link steht unten. Das ist schon eine Menge, die bei Muskat in die Nähe der Vergiftungserscheinung reichen kann. Ich bezweifle auch, dass dieser Salat gegessen wurde. Und wie sieht es im Körper aus in vivo. Einerseits berichtet er über Signalwege, die in Gang gesetzt werden, aber andererseits werden sie auch gestoppt. Die Verwirrung lasten Sie bitte nicht mir an. Die Behauptung, dass Chlorella-Algen das Immunsystem kräftigen, ist allerdings nicht belastbar. Bestellen Sie mir das einfach. Bin nur froh und dankbar, dass ich nicht die Einzige mit einer gewissen Skepsis bin. Vergiftungserscheinungen gibt es bei Erwachsenen -und das dürften Arthrosepatienten wohl sein- ab 5 Gramm. Und -ganz nebenbei- ich habe den Beitrag auch gesehen und bei meiner Kniearthrose hilft es. Auf halluzinogene Wirkungen warte ich bisher vergeblich. Das ist zwar recht lustig, was Sie da anonymerweise von sich geben, aber völlig am Thema vorbei. Schauen Sie es sich einmal an; der Link steht unten. Das ist schon eine Menge, die bei Muskat in die Nähe der Vergiftungserscheinung reichen kann. Ich bezweifle auch, dass dieser Salat gegessen wurde. Anonymous Kann ja jeder gern skeptisch sein. Die Gewürze habe ich zum Spaß getestet - über 4 Monate. Klingt vielleicht wie Werbung für Koriander und Co. Habe dann den ganzen Winter kaum Schmerzen gehabt fünf Monate pausiert mit den Gewürzenjetzt gehen die Schmerzen wieder los im Frühling. Ich habe gestern mit den Gewürzen wieder begonnen, allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz. Ich habe gezögert, diese anonyme Zuschrift zuzulassen. Aber vielleicht ist es doch lehrreich. Homöopathie ist überhaupt nicht Thema. Soll es auch nicht - ich möchte keine detaillierten Darstellungen von individuellen Krankengeschichten hier haben. Übrigens vertragen nicht alle Menschen Koriander; hier dürften 17% der Menschen genetisch bedingt eine Abscheu vor Koriander haben. Danke für den erhellenden Blog. Mir hat ein wohlwollender Freund ebenfalls den Link zur Sendung geschickt. Als Skeptizist google ich gerade nach einem wissenschaftlichen Beleg über die Wirksamkeit. Klar, man dran glauben und es einfach für viel ausprobieren. Kann aber auch nach hinten losgehen Nebenwirkungen. Bis jetzt habe ich noch nichts gefunden und so langsam nährt sich der Zweifel, denn warum gibt es denn sonst nicht schon lange ein entsprechendes Präparat der großen Pharmaka Hersteller. Allerdings werden anonyme Kommentare oder Werbung als Spam betrachtet und der Kommentar sollte einen Bezug zum Beitrag haben. Insbesondere werden Rassismus und Hasspropaganda, Aufforderungen zu Gewalt gegen Personen, Institutionen oder Unternehmen, Pornografie oder Beleidigungen und Entwürdigungen von Personen in jeglicher Form nicht geduldet. Kirsch Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Rheumatologie und Physikalische Therapie Hauptstr. Daher distanziert sich der Blogbetreiber hiermit ausdrücklich von den Inhalten fremder, verlinkter Seiten. Die bereitgestellten Inhalte und Informationen in diesem Blog wurden sorgfältig geprüft. Jedoch kann keine Garantie dafür übernommen werden, dass alle Angaben zu jeder Zeit vollständig, richtig und in letzter Aktualität dargestellt sind. Alle Angaben können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert, entfernt oder ergänzt werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass auf diesem Blog Indikationen von Substanzen erwähnt werden, die in einzelnen Ländern nicht zugelassen sind und sich in der Entwicklung befinden. 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Bei gesundheitlichen Beschwerden konsultieren Sie bitte Ihren Arzt oder Zahnarzt. Nur eine individuelle Untersuchung kann zu einer Diagnose und Therapieentscheidung führen. Nehmen Sie Medikamente nur nach Absprache mit einem Arzt oder Apotheker ein. fernsehsendung visite Auch bei sorgfältiger Bearbeitung können einzelne Fehler, Ungenauigkeiten, veraltete oder unvollständige Informationen nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Disclaimer The author of this blog makes no guarantee as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the correctness, sufficiency or completeness of any and all information or recommendations. The reader is advised to consult his doctor regarding all aspects of individual health care. The information on this blog should not be considered to be a personal medical advice; this blog should be used for informational purposes only. Im Hinblick auf die verwendeten Begrifflichkeiten, wie z. Kirsch Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Rheumatologie und Physikalische Therapie Hauptstr. 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Visite - die ganze Sendung
Bis jetzt habe ich noch nichts gefunden und so langsam nährt sich der Zweifel, denn warum gibt es denn sonst nicht schon lange ein entsprechendes Präparat der großen Pharmaka Hersteller? Deshalb sollte vor der Anwendung von Medikamenten die aktuelle Fachinformation beachtet werden. Die Redaktion wurde durch einen ehrenamtlichen Ärztebeirat mit 35 Medizinern unterschiedlicher Fachbereiche unterstützt, aus dessen Reihen der Internist Rudolf Arendt auch die Moderation der Sendung übernahm. Bin nur froh und dankbar, dass ich nicht die Einzige mit einer gewissen Skepsis bin. It was owned by several entities, from Hostmaster of the day of InterNetworX Ltd. After Antonio beats her and locks her in their house, she sets off across the mountains to seek her freedom and a better future. Vielleicht aber wird sich auf A. Nur eine individuelle Untersuchung kann zu einer Diagnose und Therapieentscheidung führen. Visite ist ein Ratgebermagazin des mit dem Thema menschliche Gesundheit, das dienstags um 20:15 Uhr im ausgestrahlt und donnerstags um 2:05 Uhr sowie freitags um 6:00 Uhr wiederholt wird. Für den Fall, dass lebenswichtige Interessen der betroffenen Person oder einer anderen natürlichen Person eine Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten erforderlich machen, dient Art. Es gibt ferner eine an die Sendung angelehnte Radiosendung Radio-Visite, die dienstags und mittwochs um 9:20 Uhr auf übertragen wird. Wir können temporäre und permanente Cookies einsetzen und klären hierüber im Rahmen unserer Datenschutzerklärung auf.

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Pv russland

Bekanntschaften und Heirat, Russische Ukrainische Frauen kennenlernen

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The traditions of Soviet animation were developed recently by such directors as and studios like. As of 2009 , it maintains diplomatic relations with 191 countries and has.

Die Meinung Davon, Dass Russische Frauen auf der Suche Nach Einem Visum Oder Einer Abreisemöglichkeit Sind, ist ein Mißverständnis Diese Russische Singles Wünschen Einfach, Wunderschöne Ehefrau Von Einem Anständigen und Zuverlässigen Mann zu Sein Jeder, der Russland besucht hat, wird zustimmen, dass die Ansicht darüber, dass die russische Frauen nach einem Ehemann suchen nur mit einem Ziel, das Land zu verlassen, ein voller Unsinn ist. With all these achievements, however, since the late Soviet era Russia was lagging behind the West in a number of technologies, mostly those related to and production.

Not Applicable (N/A) - About 77% of the population live in the of the country. From 2011 to 2015, more than a thousand Russian competitors in various sports, including summer, winter, and Paralympic sports, benefited from a state-sponsored cover-up, with no indication that the program has ceased since then.

At 17,125,200 square kilometres 6,612,100 sq miRussia is the by area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, and thewith about 146. About 77% of the population live in the of the country. Russia's capital,is the largest metropolitan area in Europe proper and one of the ; other major include, and. Extending across the entirety of and much ofRussia spans and incorporates a wide range of and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia with, and both withpv russland,pv russland,and. It shares with by the and the state of across the. However, Russia recognises two more countries that border it, andboth of which are internationally recognized as parts of Georgia. Founded and ruled by a warrior elite and their descendants, the state of arose pv russland the 9th century. Pv russland 988 it adopted from thebeginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined for the next millennium. Rus' ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus' lands were overrun by the and became tributaries of the nomadic in the 13th century. The gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities, achieved independence from the Golden Horde. By pv russland 18th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and to become thewhich was the third in history, stretching from on the west to on the east. Following thethe became the largest and leading constituent of thethe world's first constitutionally. The Soviet Union played in the victory inand emerged as a recognized and rival to the during the. The Soviet era saw some of the of the 20th century, including the world's and the launching of the. By the end of 1990, the had the world's second largest economy, largest standing military in the world and the largest stockpile of weapons of pv russland destruction. It is governed as a republic. Russia's extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the leading and globally. The country is one of the five and possesses the. Russia is a as well as a and has been characterised as a. See also: The name Russia is derived froma medieval state populated mostly by the. In order to distinguish this state from pv russland states derived from it, it is denoted as by modern historiography. The itself comes from the early medievalmerchants and warriors who relocated from across the Baltic Sea and founded a state centered on that later became. An old Latin version of the name Rus' wasmostly applied to the western and southern regions of Rus' that were adjacent to Catholic Europe. The current name of the country, Россия Rossijacomes from the designation of theΡωσσία Rossía—spelled Ρωσία Rosía pronounced in. Translations into other languages often do not distinguish these two groups. History See also: and developed in the beginning in the. Inthe Pontic Steppe was known as. Ancient Greek explorers, most notablyeven went as far as modern dayon the Baltic Sea. Atheruled the lower basin steppes between the and until the 10th century. The ancestors of modern are thewhose original home is thought by some scholars to have been the wooded areas of the. The East Slavs gradually settled Western Russia in two waves: one moving from toward present-day and and another from toward and. From the 7th century onwards, the East Pv russland constituted the bulk of the population in Western Russia and assimilated the nativeincluding thetheand the. Kievan Rus' Kievan Rus' in the 11th century The establishment of the first East Slavic states in the 9th century coincided with the arrival ofthe traders, warriors and settlers from the Baltic Sea region. Primarily they were of origin, who ventured along the waterways extending from the eastern Baltic Seas. According to thea Varangian fromnamedwas elected ruler of pv russland 862. In pv russland, his successor ventured south and conqueredwhich had been previously paying tribute to thefounding Kievan Rus'. Oleg, Rurik's son and Igor's son subsequently subdued all local tribes to Kievan rule, destroyed the and launched several military expeditions to pv russland. In the 10th to 11th centuries Kievan Rus' became one of the largest and most prosperous states in Europe. The reigns of 980—1015 and his son 1019—1054 constitute the of Kiev, which saw from and the creation of the first East Slavic writtenthe. In the 11th and 12th centuries, constant incursions by nomadic Turkic tribes, such as the and thecaused a massive migration of Slavic populations to the safer, heavily forested regions of the north, particularly to the area known as. Theby The age of and decentralization was marked by constant in-fighting between members of the that ruled Kievan Rus' collectively. Kiev's dominance waned, to the benefit of in the north-east, in the north-west and in the south-west. Ultimately Kievan Rus' disintegrated, with the final blow being the of 1237—40 that resulted in the destruction of Kiev and the death of about half the population of Rus'. The invading Mongol elite, together with their conquered Turkic subjects Cumans, Kipchaks, Bulgarsbecame known asforming the state of thewhich pillaged the Russian principalities; the Mongols ruled the and modern-day southern and central expanses of Russia for over two centuries. pv russland Galicia-Volhynia was eventually assimilated by thewhile the Mongol-dominated Vladimir-Suzdal and Novgorod Republic, two regions on the periphery of Kiev, established the basis for the modern Russian nation. The Novgorod together with retained some degree of autonomy during the time of the and were largely spared the atrocities that affected the rest of the country. Led by PrinceNovgorodians repelled the invading Swedes in the in 1240, as well as the in the in 1242, breaking their attempts to colonize the Northern Rus'. While still under the domain of the - and with their connivance, Moscow began to assert its influence pv russland the Central Rus' in the early 14th century, gradually becoming the leading force in the process of the Rus' lands' reunification and expansion of Russia. Moscow's last rival, theprospered as the chief center and the easternmost port of the. Times remained difficult, with frequent. As in the rest of Europe, was a frequent occurrence between 1350 and 1490. However, because of the lower population density and better hygiene—widespread practicing ofa wet steam bath—the death rate from plague was not as severe as in Western Europe, and population numbers recovered by 1500. Led by Prince of Moscow and helped by thethe united army of Russian principalities inflicted a milestone defeat on the Mongol-Tatars in the in 1380. Moscow gradually absorbed the surrounding principalities, including formerly strong rivals such as and. After the in 1453, Moscow of the. Tsardom of Russia Tsarillustration in Tsarsky Titulyarnik, 17th century During his long reign, Ivan the Terrible nearly doubled the already large Russian territory by annexing the three Tatar khanates parts of the disintegrated : and along theand the in southwestern Siberia. Thus, by the end of the 16th century Russia was transformed into aand. However, the Tsardom was weakened by the long and unsuccessful against the coalition of Pv russland, Lithuania, and Sweden for access to the Baltic coast and sea trade. At the same time, the Tatars of thethe only remaining successor to the Golden Horde, continued to raid Southern Russia. In an effort to restore the Volga khanates, Crimeans and their allies and were even pv russland to in 1571. But in the next year the large invading army was thoroughly defeated by Russians in theforever eliminating the threat of an Ottoman—Crimean expansion into Russia. Thehowever, did not cease until the late 17th century though the construction of new fortification lines across Southern Russia, such as theconstantly narrowed the area accessible to incursions. The pv russland parts of Russia, including Moscow. In 1612, the Poles were forced to retreat by the Russian volunteer corps, led by two national heroes, merchant and Prince. The acceded to the throne in 1613 by the decision of Zemsky Sobor, and the country started its gradual recovery from the crisis. Russia continued pv russland territorial growth pv russland the 17th century, which was the age of. Cossacks were warriors organized into military communities, resembling and. In 1648, the peasants of Ukraine joined the in rebellion against Poland-Lithuania during the in reaction to the social and religious oppression they had been suffering under Polish rule. In 1654, the Ukrainian leader,offered to place Ukraine under the protection of the Russian Tsar. Aleksey's acceptance of this offer led to another. Finally, Ukraine was split along theleaving the western part,under Polish rule and the eastern part and under Russian rule. Later, in 1670—71, the led by initiated a major uprising in thebut the Tsar's troops were successful in defeating the rebels. In the east, the rapid Russian exploration and colonisation of the huge territories of Siberia was led mostly by Cossacks hunting for valuable furs and ivory. In 1648, the between Asia and North America was passed for the first time by and. Imperial Russiain 1682—1721 and the first in 1721—1725. UnderRussia was proclaimed an Empire in 1721 and became pv russland as a world power. Ruling from 1682 to 1725, Peter defeated Sweden in theforcing it to cede West and two regions lost by Russia in theas well as andsecuring Russia's access to the sea and sea trade. The reign of Peter I's daughter in 1741—62 saw Russia's participation in the 1756—63. During this conflict Russia annexed for a while and even took Berlin. However, upon Elisabeth's death, all these conquests were returned to the by pro-Prussian. She extended Russian political control over the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and incorporated most pv russland its territories into Russia during thepushing the Russian frontier westward into Central Europe. In the south, after successful againstCatherine advanced Russia's boundary to the Black Sea, defeating the. As a result of victories over through theby the first half of the 19th century Russia also made significant territorial gains in and theforcing the former to irrevocably cede what is nowadays, and to Russia. This continued with 1801—25 wresting of Finland from the weakened kingdom of Sweden in 1809 and of from the Ottomans in 1812. At the same time, Russians and even founded pv russland in California, such as. Russian expansion in Eurasia between 1533—1894 In 1803—1806, the was made, later followed by other notable Russian sea exploration voyages. In 1820, discovered the continent of. In alliances with various European countries, Russia fought against 's France. The at the height of Napoleon's power in 1812 reached Moscow, but eventually failed miserably as the obstinate resistance in combination with the bitterly cold led pv russland a disastrous defeat of invaders, in which more than pv russland of the pan-European perished. Led by andthe Russian army ousted Napoleon from the country and drove through Europe in thefinally entering Pv russland. Alexander I headed Russia's delegation at the that defined the map of post-Napoleonic Europe. Monument to in front of the in Saint Petersburg. The Kazan Cathedral and the in Moscow were built to commemorate the victory against The officers of the brought ideas of liberalism back to Russia with them and attempted to curtail the tsar's powers during the abortive of 1825. At the end of the conservative reign of 1825—55a zenith period of Russia's power and influence in Europe was disrupted by defeat in the. Between 1847 and 1851, about pv russland million people died of Asiatic. Nicholas's successor 1855—81 enacted significant changes in the country, including the. These Great Reforms spurred industrialization and modernized the Russian army, which had successfully liberated Bulgaria from Ottoman rule in the. The late 19th century saw the rise of various socialist movements in Russia. The last Russian Emperor, 1894—1917was unable to prevent the events of the Russiantriggered by the unsuccessful and the demonstration incident known as. The uprising was put down, but the government was forced to concede major reformsincluding granting the andthe legalization of political parties, and the creation of an elected legislative body, the. The led to a massive peasant migration and settlement into. More than four million settlers arrived in that region between 1906 and 1914. February Revolution and Russian Republic Emperor and his family by the Bolsheviks in 1918 In 1914, Russia entered in response to Pv russland declaration of war on Russia's ally Serbia, and fought across multiple fronts while isolated from its allies. In 1916, the of the Russian Army almost completely destroyed the military of. However, the already-existing public distrust of the regime was deepened by the rising costs of war,and rumors of corruption and treason. All this formed the climate for the of 1917, carried out in two major acts. The forced to abdicate; he and his family were imprisoned and during the. The monarchy was replaced by a shaky coalition of political parties that declared itself the. On September 1 141917, upon a decree of the Provisional Government, the Russian Republic was proclaimed. On January 6 191918, the declared Russia a democratic federal republic thus ratifying the Provisional Government's decision. The next day the Constituent Assembly was dissolved by the. See also: and An alternative socialist establishment co-existed, thewielding power pv russland the democratically elected councils of workers and peasants, called. The rule of the new authorities only aggravated the crisis in the country, instead of resolving it. Eventually, theled by leaderoverthrew the Provisional Government and gave full governing power to the Soviets, leading to the creation of the world's first. Following the October Revolution, a broke pv russland between the and the new regime with its. Bolshevist Russia lost its Ukrainian, Polish, Baltic, and Finnish territories by signing the that concluded hostilities with the of World War I. The launched an unsuccessful in support of anti-Communist forces. pv russland In the meantime both the Bolsheviks and White movement carried out campaigns of deportations and executions against each other, known respectively as the and. By the end of the civil war, Russia's economy and infrastructure were heavily damaged. Millions becameand the of 1921 claimed up to 5 million victims. Soviet Union, and meeting in 1919. However,an electedmanaged to suppress all opposition groups within the pv russland and consolidate power in his hands. The continued internal struggle in the Bolshevik party culminated in thea period of mass repressions in 1937—38, during which hundreds of thousands of people were executed, including and military leaders accused of plots. Under Stalin's leadership, the government launched aindustrialisation of the largely rural country, and of its agriculture. During this period of rapid economic and social change, millions of people were sent toincluding many political convicts for their opposition to Stalin's rule; millions were to remote areas of the Soviet Union. The transitional disorganisation of the country's agriculture, combined with the harsh state policies and a drought, pv russland to the. The Soviet Union made the costly transformation from a largely agrarian economy to a major industrial powerhouse in a short span of time. The regime targeted religions based on State interests, and while most organized religions were never outlawed, religious property was confiscated, believers were harassed, and religion was ridiculed while atheism was propagated in schools. In 1925 the government founded the to intensify the persecution. Accordingly, although personal expressions of religious faith were not explicitly banned, a strong sense of social stigma was imposed on them by the official structures and mass media and it was generally considered unacceptable for members of certain professions teachers, state bureaucrats, soldiers to be openly religious. As for the Russian Orthodox Church, Soviet authorities sought to control it and, in times of national crisis, to exploit it for the regime's own purposes; but their ultimate goal was to eliminate it. During the first five years of Soviet power, the Bolsheviks executed 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and over 1,200 Russian Orthodox priests. Many others were imprisoned or exiled. Believers were harassed and persecuted. Most seminaries were closed, and the publication of most religious material was prohibited. By 1941 only 500 churches remained open out of about 54,000 in existence prior to World War I. In August 1939, the Soviet government decided to improve relations with Germany by concluding thepledging between the two countries and dividing Eastern Europe into their respective spheres of influence. The duringthe deadliest siege of a city in history, ended in 1944 with Soviet victory On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany broke the non-aggression treaty and invaded the Soviet Union with the largest and most powerful invasion force in human history, opening the. Although the had considerable early success, their attack was halted in the. Subsequently, the Germans were dealt major defeats first at the in the winter of 1942—43, and then in the in the summer of 1943. Another German failure was thein which the city was fully blockaded on land between 1941 and 1944 by German and Finnish forces, and suffered starvation and more than a million deaths, but never surrendered. Under Stalin's administration and the leadership of such commanders as andSoviet forces took Eastern Europe in 1944—45 and in May 1945. In August 1945 the from China's and North Korea, contributing to the allied victory over Japan. During this war, which included many of the in human history, Soviet military and civilian deaths were 10. The full demographic loss to the Soviet peoples was even greater. The and infrastructure suffered massive devastation which caused thebut the Soviet Union emerged pv russland an acknowledged military superpower on the continent. Soldiers of the rifle division, before going to the front. The Soviet rear was also badly pv russland by the. The bombing of the capital destroyed the largest automobile pv russland. This plant supplied tanks for the front. Whole residential areas and other large factories of the city were destroyed. From 1941 to 1943, German pilots bombed different areas of the city. This bombardment is comparable to the. Some damage remained until this time. Dependent socialist governments were installed in the satellite states. pv russland The Soviet Union supported revolutionary movements across the world, including the newly formed People's Republic of China, the and, later on, the. Significant amounts of Soviet resources pv russland to the other socialist states. After Stalin's death and a short period ofthe new leader denounced the of Stalin and launched the policy of. The penal labor system was reformed and many prisoners were released and rehabilitated many of them posthumously. The general easement of repressive policies became known later as the. At the same time, tensions with the United States heightened when the two rivals clashed over the deployment of the United States in Turkey and Soviet. Russia's became the first human to orbit the Earth, aboard the manned spacecraft on. Following the ousting of Khrushchev in 1964, another period of ensued, until became the leader. The era of the 1970s and the early 1980s was later designated as thea period when economic growth slowed and social policies became static. The 1965 aimed for partial of the and shifted the emphasis from and weapons to and but was stifled by the conservative Communist leadership. In 1979, after a Communist-led revolution in Afghanistan, that country. pv russland The occupation drained economic resources and dragged on without achieving meaningful political results. Ultimately, the Soviet Army was withdrawn from Afghanistan in 1989 due to international opposition, persistent anti-Soviet guerrilla warfare, and a lack of support by Soviet citizens. Russian President stands on a tank during thetwo months after the. The in the bottom right corner became the symbol of the antitotalitarian resistance and democratic transformation. From 1985 onwards, the last Soviet leaderwho sought to enact liberal reforms in the Soviet system, introduced the policies of openness and restructuring in an attempt to end the and to democratise the government. This, however, led to the rise of strong nationalist and separatist movements. Prior to 1991, the Soviet economy was the second largest in the world, but during its last years it was afflicted by shortages of goods in grocery stores, huge budget deficits, and explosive growth in the money supply leading to inflation. By 1991, economic and political turmoil began to boil over, as the Baltic republics chose to secede from the Soviet Union. On March 17, a was held, in which the vast majority of participating citizens voted in favour of changing the Soviet Union into a. In August 1991, by members of Gorbachev's government, directed against Gorbachev and aimed at preserving the Soviet Union, instead led to the end of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Russian Federation In June 1991, became the first directly elected President in Russian history when he pv russland elected President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, which became the independent Russian Federation in December of that year. The privatization largely shifted control of enterprises from state agencies to individuals with inside connections in the government. Many of the newly rich moved billions in cash and assets outside of the country in an enormous. The depression of the economy led to the collapse of social services; the plummeted while the skyrocketed. Millions plunged into poverty, from a level of 1. The 1990s saw extreme corruption and lawlessness, the rise of criminal gangs and violent crime. The 1990s were plagued by armed conflicts in theboth local ethnic skirmishes and separatist insurrections. From the time separatists declared independence in the early 1990s, an has been fought between the rebel groups and the Russian military. From left to right:, On December 31, 1999, President Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned, handing the post to the recently appointed Prime Minister,who then won. Putin although sporadic violence still occurs throughout the Northern Caucasus. However, since the World economic crisis of 2008 and a subsequent drop in oil prices, Russia's economy has stagnated and poverty has again started to rise. While many reforms made during the Putin presidency have been generally criticized by Western nations as undemocratic, Putin's leadership over the return of order, stability, and progress has won him widespread admiration in Russia. On March 2, 2008, was elected President of Russia while Putin became. Putin returned to the presidency following theand Medvedev was appointed Prime Minister. In 2014, after President of fled as a result of aPutin requested and received authorization from the Russian Parliament to. Following a in which separation was favored by a large majority of voters, the Russian leadership announced the accession of Crimea into the Russian Federation, though this and the referendum that preceded it were not accepted internationally. On March 27 the United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of a non-binding resolution opposing the by a vote of 100 member states in favour, 11 against and 58 abstentions. In September 2015, Russia started in the Syrian Civil War, consisting of air strikes against militant groups of the pv russland, al-Qaeda in the Levantand the. Politics According to thethe country is a federation and republic, wherein the President is the and the is the. The president is elected by popular vote for a six-year term eligible for a second term, but not for a third pv russland term. Ministries of the government are composed of the Premier and his deputies, ministers, and selected other individuals; all are appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister whereas the appointment of the latter requires pv russland consent of the State Pv russland. Leading political parties in Russia includethetheand. In 2017, Russia was ranked as 135th of 167 countries in thecompiled by Intelligence Unit, while theas of 2014ranked Russia 80th of 99 countries surveyed in terms of rule of law. Russia has a multifaceted foreign policy. As of 2009it maintains diplomatic relations with 191 countries and has. The foreign policy is determined by the President and implemented by the. As the pv russland to a former superpower, Russia's geopolitical status has often been debated, particularly in relation to views on the global political system. While Russia is commonly accepted to be ain recent years it has been characterized by a number of world leaders, scholars, commentators and politicians as a currently reinstating or. The country participates in the and the with North Korea. Russia is a member pv russland the, and. Russia usually takes a leading role in pv russland organisations such as the,and the. Russia became the 39th member state of the Council of Europe in pv russland. In 1998, Russia ratified the. The Agreement recalls the parties' shared respect for democracy and human rights, political and economic freedom and commitment to international peace and security. Former President Vladimir Putin had advocated a strategic partnership with close integration in various dimensions including establishment of. From the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia has initially developed a friendlier relationship with the andhowever today, the trilateral relationship has significantly deteriorated due to several issues and conflicts between Russia and the Western countries. Leaders of the nations in 2016: l-r of Brazil, of India, of China, of Russia and of South Africa Russia maintains strong and positive relations with other and countries. In recent years, the country has significantly strengthened bilateral ties with the by signing the as well as building the andand has since formed a. An important aspect of Russia's relations with the West is the criticism of Russia's political system and management including, and reports about by Western governments, the mass media and the leading democracy and human rights. In particular, such organisations as and consider Russia to have not enough democratic attributes and to allow few political rights and civil liberties to pv russland citizens. Russian authorities dismiss these claims and especially criticise Freedom House. Military : Russians at «», carrying portraits of their ancestors who fought in. The Russian military is divided into the, and. There are also three independent arms of service:, and the. As of 2017the military comprised over 1 million active duty personnel, the in the world. Additionally, there are over 2. It is mandatory for all male citizens aged 18—27 to be for a year of service in Armed Forces. Russia has in the world, the second largest fleet ofpv russland the only modern force outside the United States. Russia's force is the largest in the world, while its surface navy and air force are among the largest. Pv russland country has a large and fully indigenousproducing most of its own military equipment with only a few pv russland of weapons imported. It has been one of the world's top supplier of arms since 2001, accounting for around 30% of worldwide weapons sales and exporting weapons to about 80 countries. In 2010—14, Russia delivered weapons to 56 states and to rebel forces in eastern Ukraine. The Russian government's official 2014 military budget is about 2. The official budget is set to rise to 3. As of 2014Russia's military budget is higher than any other nation. Political divisions Russian President and President of Tatarstan inthe capital of2011 Federal subjects According to thethe country comprises eighty-fiveincluding the disputed and of. Pv russland 1993, when the Constitution was adopted, there were eighty-nine federal subjects listed, but later pv russland of them were merged. These subjects have equal representation—two delegates each—in the. However, they differ in the degree of autonomy they enjoy. Republics are allowed to establish their own pv russland language alongside Russian but are represented by the federal government in international affairs. Republics are meant to be home to specific ethnic minorities. With the exception ofall autonomous okrugs are still administratively subordinated to a krai or an oblast of which they are a part. Further information: and Federal districts Federal subjects are grouped into eighteach administered by an envoy appointed by the President of Russia. Unlike the federal subjects, the federal districts are not a subnational level of government, but are a level of administration of the federal government. Federal districts' envoys serve as liaisons between the federal subjects and the federal government and are primarily responsible for overseeing the compliance of the federal subjects with the federal pv russland. Geography of Russia Russia is the ; its total area is 17,075,200 square kilometres 6,592,800 sq mi. This makes it larger than the continents ofand. It lies between latitudes andand longitudes and. Russia's territorial expansion was achieved largely in the late 16th century under the Cossack during the reign ofat a time when competing city-states in the western regions of Russia had banded together to form one country. Yermak mustered an army and pushed eastward where he conquered nearly all the lands once belonging to thedefeating their ruler. Russia has a wide natural resource base, including major deposits of timber, petroleum, natural gas, coal, ores and other mineral resources. Topography The two most widely separated points in Russia are about 8,000 km 4,971 mi apart along a line. These points are: a 60 km 37 mi long the boundary with Poland separating the from the and the most southeastern point of the. The points which are farthest separated in are 6,600 km 4,101 mi apart along a geodesic line. These points are: in the west, the same spit on the boundary pv russland Poland, and in the east, the. The Russian Federation spans 11. Russia possesses 10% of the world's. Mountain ranges are found along the southern borders, such as the containingwhich at 5,642 m 18,510 ft is the highest point in both Russia and Europe and the containingwhich at the 4,506 m 14,783 ft is the highest point of Siberia outside of the ; and in the eastern parts, such as the or the volcanoes of containingwhich at the 4,750 m 15,584 ft is the highest in Eurasia as well as the highest point of. Therich in mineral resources, form a north-south range that divides Europe and Asia. Russia has an extensive coastline of over 37,000 km 22,991 mi along the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, as well as along the, and. The,, and the are linked to Russia via the Arctic and Pacific. Russia's major islands and archipelagos includethethethe, theand. The one controlled by Russia, the other by the United States are just 3 km 1. Russia has thousands of and inland bodies pv russland water, providing it with one of the world's largest surface water resources. Its lakes contain approximately one-quarter of the world's liquid. The largest and most prominent of Russia's bodies of fresh water isthe world's deepest, purest, oldest and most capacious fresh water lake. Baikal alone contains over one-fifth of the world's fresh surface water. Other major lakes include andtwo of the. Russia is second only to Brazil in volume of the. Of the country's 100,000 rivers, the is the most famous, not only because it is thebut also because of its major role in Russian history. The Siberian riverspv russland, and are among the. Climate Main article: The enormous size of Russia and the remoteness of many areas from the sea result in the dominance of thewhich is prevalent in all parts of the country except for the tundra and the extreme southwest. pv russland Mountains in the south obstruct the flow of warm air masses from the Indian Ocean, while the plain of the west and north makes the country pv russland to Arctic and Atlantic influences. Both the strip of land along the shore of the Arctic Ocean and the have a. The coastal part of on the Black Sea, most notably inpossesses a with mild and wet winters. Pv russland many regions of East Siberia and the Far East, winter is dry compared to summer; other parts of the country experience more even precipitation across seasons. Winter precipitation in most parts of the country usually falls as snow. The region along the Lower Pv russland and Caspian Sea coast, pv russland well as some areas of southernmost Siberia, possesses a. Climate data for Russia records Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high °C °F 22. The coldest month is January February on the coastline ; the warmest is usually July. Great ranges of temperature are typical. In winter, temperatures get colder both from south to north and from west to east. Summers can be quite hot, even in Siberia. The continental interiors are the driest areas. Biodiversity The is aparticularly in the West From north to south thealso known as Russian Plain, is clad sequentially in Arcticconiferous forest, grasslandand semi-desert fringing the Caspian Seaas the changes in vegetation reflect the changes in climate. Siberia supports a similar sequence but is largely taiga. There are 266 mammal species and 780 bird pv russland in Russia. A total of 415 animal species have been included in the as of 1997 and pv russland now protected. Economy Russia has an upper-middle income with enormous natural resources, particularly and natural gas. Since the turn of the 21st century, higher domestic consumption and greater political stability have bolstered economic growth in Russia. The country ended 2008 with its ninth straight year of growth, but growth has slowed with the decline in the price of oil and gas. Growth was primarily driven by non-traded services and goods pv russland the domestic pv russland, as opposed to oil or mineral extraction and exports. Unemployment in Russia was 5. pv russland Officially, about 20—25% of the Russian population is categorized as middle class; however some economists and sociologists think this figure is inflated and the real fraction is about 7%. After the United States, the European Union and other countries imposed after the and a collapse in oil prices, the proportion of middle-class could decrease drastically. Oil, natural gas, metals, and timber account for more than 80% of Russian exports abroad. Since 2003, the exports of natural resources started decreasing in economic pv russland as the internal market strengthened considerably. As of 2012 the oil-and-gas sector accounted for 16% of52% of federal budget revenues and over 80% of total exports. The macroeconomic policy under Finance Minister was pv russland and sound, with excess income being stored in the. In 2006, Russia repaid most of its formerly massive debts, leaving it with. The Stabilization Pv russland helped Russia to come out of the in a much better state than pv russland experts had expected. A simpler, more streamlined tax code adopted in 2001 reduced the tax burden on people and dramatically increased state revenue. Russia has a rate of 13%. This ranks it as the country with the second most attractive personal tax system for single managers in the world after the United Arab Emirates. According toRussia is considered well ahead of most other resource-rich countries in its economic development, with a long tradition of pv russland, science, and industry. The country has a higher proportion of higher education graduates than any other country in Eurasia. In December 2011, Russia was approved as a member of the World Trade Organisation after 18 years of dialogue, allowing it a greater access to overseas markets. Russia ranks as the second-most corrupt country in Europe after Ukraineaccording to the. The phenomenon of corruption is strongly established in the historical model of public governance in Russia and attributed to general weakness of in Russia. According to 2016 results of ofRussia ranked 131th place out of 176 countries with score 29. The Russian central bank announced plans in 2013 to free float the Russian ruble in 2015. According to a stress test conducted by the central bank Russian financial system would be able to handle a currency decline of 25%—30% without major central bank interference. However, the Russian economy began stagnating in late 2013 and in combination with the is in danger of entering stagflation, slow growth and high inflation. Pv russland recent decline in the Russian ruble has increased the costs for Russian companies to make interest payments on debt issued in U. As of March 2016the ruble was devalued more than 50 percent since July 2014. Moreover, after bringing inflation down to 3. In an October 2014 article in Pv russland Business Week, it was reported that Russia had significantly started shifting its economy towards China in response to increasing financial tensions following its annexation of Crimea and subsequent Western economic sanctions. Corruptionorganized by Russia's opposition There are many different estimates of the actual cost of corruption. According to Rosstat's estimates, corruption in pv russland amounted to only 3. A World Bank report puts this figure at 48%. There is also an interesting shift in the main focus of bribery: whereas previously officials took bribes to shut their eyes to legal infractions, they now take them simply to perform their duties. Many experts admit that in recent years corruption in Russia has become a business. In the recent years the reaction to corruption has changed: starting from Putin's second term, very few corruption cases have been pv russland subject of outrage. Putin's system is remarkable for its ubiquitous and open merging of the civil service and business, as well as its use of relatives, friends, and acquaintances to benefit from budgetary expenditures and take over state property. Corporate, property, and land raiding is commonplace. They were triggered by the lack of proper response from the Russian authorities to the published investigative filmpv russland has garnered more than 20 million views pv russland YouTube. Russia is the world's top producer ofandand one of the largest producers and exporters ofand. Russia's is estimated at 1,237,294 square kilometres 477,722 sq mithe fourth largest in the world. The production of meat has grown from 6,813,000 tonnes pv russland 1999 to 9,331,000 tonnes in 2008, and continues to grow. This restoration of agriculture was supported by a credit policy of the pv russland, helping both individual farmers and large privatized corporate farms that once were Soviet and which still own the significant share of agricultural land. While large farms concentrate mainly on grain production and products, small private produce most of the country's potatoes, vegetables and fruits. Since Russia borders three oceans the Atlantic, Arctic, and PacificRussian fishing fleets are a major. Russia captured 3,191,068 tons of fish in 2005. Sprawling from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean, Russia has more than a fifth of the world's forests, which makes it the largest forest country in the world. However, according to a 2012 pv russland by the and the Government of the Russian Federation, the considerable potential of Russian forests is underutilized and Russia's share of the global trade pv russland forest products is less than four percent. Energy Russia is a key and supplier to much of Europe In recent years, Russia has frequently been described in the media as an. The country has the world's largestthe 8th largestand the second largest. Russia is the world's leading and second largestwhile also the largest and the largest. Russia is the 3rd largest in the world and the 5th largestthe latter because of the well-developed production in the country. Pv russland cascades of are built in European Russia along big rivers like the Volga. The Asian part of Russia also features a number of major hydropower stations; however, the gigantic hydroelectric potential of Siberia and the Russian Far East largely remains unexploited. Pv russland was the first pv russland to develop civilian nuclear pv russland and to construct the world's. Currently the country is the 4th largestwith all being managed by State Corporation. The sector is rapidly developing, with an aim of increasing the total share of nuclear energy from current 16. In May 2014 on a two-day trip to Shanghai, President Putin signed a deal on behalf of Gazprom for the Russian energy giant to with 38 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. Transport The marker for kilometre 9288 at the end of the in Railway transport in Russia is mostly under the control of the state-run monopoly. The company accounts for over 3. The total length of common-used railway tracks exceeds 85,500 km 53,127 misecond only to the United States. Over 44,000 km 27,340 mi of tracks arewhich is the largest number in the world, and additionally there are more than 30,000 km 18,641 mi of industrial non-common carrier lines. The most renowned railway in Russia is Transsibspanning a record 7 time zones and serving the longest single continuous services in the world, Moscow- 9,259 km 5,753 miMoscow— 10,267 km 6,380 mi and —Vladivostok 11,085 km 6,888 mi. As of 2006 Russia hadof which 755,000 were paved. Some of these make up the. With a large land area the road density is the lowest of all the and countries. Much of Russia's inland waterways, whichare made up of natural rivers or lakes. In the European part of the country the network of channels connects the basins of major rivers. In 2008 the country owned 1,448 ships. The world's only fleet of advances pv russland economic exploitation of the Arctic and the development of sea trade through the between Europe and East Asia. By Russia is second only to the United States. Russia has 1,216 airports, the busiest being, and in Moscow, and in St. Typically, major Russian cities have well-developed systems of public transport, with the most common varieties of exploited vehicles being bus, and tram. Seven Russian cities, namely,, andhave underground metros, while features a. The total length of metros in Russia is 465. These two are among the fastest and in the world, and some of them are famous for rich decorations and unique designs of their stations, which is a common tradition in Russian metros and railways. Science and technology 1849—1936physiologist, Nobel Prize laureate in 1904 Science and technology in Russia blossomed since thewhen founded the andand established thepaving the way for a strong native tradition in learning and innovation. In the 19th and 20th centuries the country produced a large number of notable scientists and inventors. The began with Lomonosov who proposed the law of conservation of matter preceding the. Russian discoveries and inventions in physics include theelectrodynamicalof,and. Chebyshev's students includedwho founded the modernand who invented the. In the 20th century Soviet mathematicians, such as pv russland,andmade major contributions to various areas of mathematics. Recently was offered the first ever Clay Award for his final proof of the in 2002. Many foreigners worked in Russia for a long time, like and. The first, was developed by. Famous Russian aircraft include the civilian -series, and fighter aircraft, and -series helicopters; many Russian pv russland models pv russland on the in history. With all these achievements, however, since the late Soviet era Russia was lagging behind the West in a number of technologies, mostly those related to and production. The crisis of the 1990s led to the drastic reduction of the state support for science and a migration from Russia. In the 2000s, on the wave of a new economic boom, the situation in the Russian science and technology has improved, and the government aimed into modernisation and. The country is pv russland its own and constructing the first serial in the world. Space exploration Russian achievements in the pv russland of and are traced back tothe father of theoretical. His works had inspired leading Soviet rocket engineers, such as, and many others who contributed to the success of the in the early stages of the and beyond. In 1957 the first Earth-orbiting artificial, was launched; in 1961 the first human trip into space was successfully made by. Many other Soviet and Russian ensued, including the first performed bywas the first spacecraft to land on thewas the first to land on another planetthen the first to land onthe firstand the first and. After thesome government-funded space exploration programs, pv russland the space shuttle program, were cancelled or delayed, while participation of the Russian space industry in commercial activities and international cooperation intensified. Nowadays Russia is the largest satellite launcher. After the United Pv russland program ended in 2011, became the only provider of transport for astronauts at the. Roscosmos is also developing the spacecraft, to replace the aging Soyuz, it could also take potential crewed mission to lunar orbit as early as 2025. Water supply and sanitation Pv russland article: In Russia, approximately 70 per cent of drinking water comes from surface pv russland and 30 per cent from groundwater. In 2004, water supply systems had a total capacity of 90 million cubic metres a day. The average residential water use was 248 litres per capita per day. One fourth of the world's fresh surface and is located in Russia. The water utilities sector is one of the largest industries in Russia serving the entire Russian population. Demographics Natural population growth rate in Russia, 2015. Ethnic comprise 81% of the country's population. The Russian Federation is also home to several sizeable minorities. In all, 160 different other ethnic groups and indigenous peoples live within its borders. Although Russia's population is comparatively large, because of the country's enormous size. Population is densest innear theand in southwest Siberia. The results of the show a total population of 142,856,536. Russia's population peaked at 148,689,000 in 1991, just before the. It began to experience a rapid decline starting in the mid-1990s. The decline has slowed to near stagnation in recent years because of reducedincreased and increased. In 2009, Russia recorded annual population growth for the first time in fifteen years, with total growth of 10,500. The number of Russian emigrants steadily declined from 359,000 in 2000 to 32,000 in 2009. According to theRussia's is the third largest in the world, numbering 11. Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Kazakhstan were the leading countries of origin for immigrants to Russia. Pv russland is home to approximately 116 million ethnic Russians and about 20 million ethnic Russians live outside Russia in the former republics of the Soviet Union, mostly in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The recorded 81% of the population asand 19% as other ethnicities: 3. According to the Census, 84. This is a decline from the 2002, when they constituted for more than 86% of the population. Russia's birth rate is higher than that of most European countries 13. The Russian Ministry of Health and Social Affairs predicted that by 2011 the death rate would equal the birth rate because of increase in fertility and decline in mortality. The government is implementing a number of programs designed to increase the birth rate and attract more migrants. In 2009 Russia experienced its highest birth rate since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In 2012, the birth rate increased again. Source: Vital statistics table below In August 2012, as the country saw its first demographic growth since the 1990s, President Putin declared that Russia's population could reach 146 million by 2025, mainly as a result of immigration. Largest cities in the region Russia's 160 ethnic groups speak some 100 languages. According to the 2002 Census, 142. Russian is the only official state language, but the Constitution gives the individual the right to establish their own state languages in addition to Russian. Despite its wide distribution, the Russian language is homogeneous throughout the country. Russian is the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia, as well as the most widely spoken. It belongs to the family and is one of the living members of thethe others being and and possibly. Written examples of Old Russian are attested from the 10th century onwards. Russian is the second-most used language on the after English, one of two official languages aboard the and is one of the six. Language Language family Federal subject s Source ; see also Religion 6. According to the historical traditions of the Orthodox Church, was first brought to the territory of modernRussia and bythe pv russland of. Following the Primary Chronicle, the definitive of dates from the year 988 the year is disputedwhen was baptized in and proceeded to baptize his family and people in. Much of the Russian population, like other Slavic peoples, preserved for centuries a double belief dvoeverie in both indigenous religion and Orthodox Christianity. At the time of thethe was deeply integrated into theenjoying official status. This was a significant factor that contributed to the Bolshevik attitude to religion and the steps they took to control it. Bolsheviks consisted of many people with non-Russian, Communist Russians and influential Jewish pv russland such as, who were indifferent towards Christianity and based on the writings of German philosopher with as an ideology went on to form the. The communist government ridiculed religions and their believers, and propagated atheism in schools. The confiscation of religious assets was often based on accusations of illegal accumulation of wealth. State atheism in the Soviet Union was known in Russian as gosateizm, and was based on the ideology of. Within about a year of the revolution, the state all church property, including the churches themselves, and in the period from 1922 to 1926, 28 Russian Orthodox and more than 1,200 were killed. After the collapse of the Soviet Union there has been a renewal of religions in Russia, and among Slavs various movements have emerged besides Christianity, including Slavic Native Faith,and other religions. Currently, there is no official census of religion in Russia, and estimates are based on surveys only. In 2012 the research organization Sreda published Arena Atlas, a detailed enumeration of religious populations and nationalities in Russia, based on a large-sample country-wide survey. However, later that year, the estimated that 76% of Russians were Christians, and in June 2013, the Public Opinion Foundation estimated that 65% of the population was Christian. These findings are in line with 's 2011 estimate that 73. The divided between 4% as atheists, 1% as and 10% as. The study cited that during the communist era the government repression of religion was widespread, and due to the ; in 1991 37% of the population of Russia was Eastern Orthodox. After the the affiliation to the Eastern Orthodox church have risen substantially and in 2015 about 71% of the population of Russia declared itself to be Eastern Orthodox, and the share of who identitied as religiously unaffiliated declined from a 61% in 1991 to 18% in 2008. The Russian Orthodox Church was the country's state religion prior to the Revolution and remains the largest religious body in the country. An estimated 95% of the registered Orthodox parishes belong to the Russian Orthodox Church while there are a number of smaller Orthodox churches. However, the vast majority of Orthodox believers do not attend church on a regular basis. Easter is the most popular religious holiday in Russia, celebrated by a large segment of the Russian population, including large numbers of those who are non-religious. More than three-quarters of the Russian population celebrate Easter by making traditional Easter cakes, coloured eggs and. Buddhists and temple in Islam is the second largest pv russland in Russia after Russian Orthodoxy. It is the traditional or predominant religion amongst some notably thethe and theand amongst some notably the and the. Buddhism is traditional in three regions of the Russian Federation:, and. According to various reports, pv russland proportion of people in Russia is between 16% and 48% of the population. According to recent studies, the proportion of atheists has significantly decreased over the decades after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In cultural and social affairs Vladimir Putin has collaborated closely with the Russian Orthodox Church. Now Kiril led the faithful directly pv russland an alliance with the state. More broadly the New York Times reports in September 2016 how that Church's policy prescriptions support the Kremlin's appeal to social conservatives: A fervent foe of homosexuality and any attempt to put individual rights above those of family, community or nation, the Russian Orthodox Church helps project Russia as the natural ally of all those who pine for a more secure, illiberal world free from the tradition-crushing rush of globalization, multiculturalism and women's and gay rights. On April 26, 2017, for the first time, The classified Russia as one of the world's worst violators of religious liberty, recommending in its 2017 annual report that the U. Many other countries and international organizations have spoken out on Russia's religious abuses. Pv russland A mobile clinic used to provide health care at remote railway stations The Russian Constitution guarantees free, for all its citizens. In practice, however, free health care is partially pv russland because of. While Russia has more physicians, hospitals, and health care workers than almost any pv russland country in the world on a per capita basis, since the dissolution of the Soviet Union the health of the Russian population has declined considerably as a result of social, economic, and lifestyle changes; the trend has been reversed only in the recent years, with average life expectancy having increased 5. Due to the ongoing since 2014, major cuts in health spending have resulted in a decline in the quality of service of the state healthcare system. About 40% of basic medical facilities have fewer staff than they are supposed to have, with others being closed down. Waiting times for treatment have increased, and patients have been forced to pay for more services that were previously free. As of 2014the average life expectancy in Russia was 65. The biggest factor contributing to the relatively low life expectancy for males is a high mortality rate among working-age males. Deaths mostly occur from preventable causes, including alcohol poisoning, smoking, traffic accidents and violent crime. As a result, Russia has one of the world's most female-biasedwith 0. Education Russia has the most college-level or higher graduates in terms of percentage of population in the world, at 54%. Russia has a system, which is guaranteed for all citizens by thehowever entry to subsidized higher education is highly competitive. As a result of great emphasis on science and technology in education, Russian medical, mathematical, scientific, and aerospace research is generally of a high order. Since 1990, the 11-year school education has been introduced. Education in state-owned secondary schools is free. University level education is free, with exceptions. A substantial share of students is enrolled for full pay many state institutions started to open commercial positions in the last years. The oldest and largest are and. These new institutions include the, and. The Merchant's Wife byshowcasing the There are over 160 different ethnic groups and indigenous peoples in Russia. The country's vast cultural diversity spans ethnic with their traditions, and with their Turkic Muslim culture, andpeoples of the and Siberia, highlanders of theand of the and. Ethnic Russian clothes includeand for men, pv russland for women, with and as common shoes. The clothes of from Southern Russia include andwhich they share with the peoples of the Northern Caucasus. Crops ofwheat,and provide the ingredients for various breads, and cereals, as well as forbeer and vodka drinks. Flavourful soups and stews include,and. Other meat dishes include stuffed cabbage rolls usually filled with meat. Russia's large number of ethnic groups have distinctive traditions regarding. Typical ethnic Russian musical instruments are,and. Folk music had a significant influence on Russian classical composers, and in modern times it is a source of inspiration pv russland a number of popularpv russland. Russians haveincluding the washing ina hot steam bath somewhat similar to. Old takes its roots in the pagan. Many and epic were adapted for animation films, or for feature movies by the prominent directors likeand. Russian poets, including andmade a number of well-known poetical interpretations of the classical fairy tales, and in some cases, like that ofalso created fully original fairy pv russland poems of great popularity. Architecture in, one of the most popular symbols of the country Since the for several ages Russian architecture was influenced predominantly by the. Apart from fortificationsthe main stone buildings of ancient Rus' were with pv russland manyoften gilded or brightly painted. By that time the design was also fully developed. After the the change of architectural styles in Russia generally followed pv russland in the Western Europe. The 18th-century taste for architecture led to the ornate works of and his followers. The reigns of and her grandson saw the flourishing ofmost notably in the capital city of. The second half of the 19th century was dominated by the and styles. Prevalent styles of the 20th century were the, and the. The neoclassical inthe tradition of preservation was broken. A new anti-religious campaign, launched in 1929, coincided with collectivization of peasants; destruction of churches in the cities peaked around 1932. A number of churches were demolished, including the in Moscow. This helped somewhat to resolve the pv russland problem, but created a large quantity of buildings of low architectural quality, much in contrast with the previous bright styles. By 1964 over 10 thousand churches out of 20 thousand were shut down mostly in rural areas and many were demolished. Of 58 monasteries and convents operating in 1959, only sixteen remained by 1964; of Moscow's fifty churches operating in 1959, thirty were closed and six demolished. Visual arts Archangel Michael fresco 1408 bywhich represents the typical style of art. Early Russian painting is represented in and vibrantthe two genres inherited from. As Moscow rose to power,and became vital names associated with a distinctly Russian art. The was created in 1757 and gave Russian artists an international role and status. In the early 19th century, when and flourished, mythological and Biblical themes inspired many prominent paintings, notably by and. In the mid-19th century the Wanderers group of artists broke with the Academy and initiated a school of art liberated from academic restrictions. These were mostly painters who captured Russian identity in landscapes of wide rivers, forests, and birch clearings, as well as vigorous genre scenes and robust portraits of their contemporaries. Some artists focused on depicting dramatic moments in Russian history, while others turned toshowing the conditions of the poor and caricaturing authority; flourished under the reign of. Leading realists include,, and. The turn of the 20th century saw the rise of painting, represented by, and. The was a large, influential wave of that flourished in Russia from approximately 1890 to 1930. The term covers many separate, but inextricably related art movements that occurred at the time, namely, and. Notable artists from this era include,and. Since the 1930s the revolutionary ideas of the clashed with the newly emerged conservative direction of. Soviet art produced works that were furiously patriotic and during and after the. Multiple war memorials, marked by a great restrained solemnity, were built throughout the country. Soviet artists often combined innovation with socialist realism, notably the sculptorsand. Pv russland and dance The Snowdance scene from ballet, composed by Music in 19th-century Russia was defined by the tension between classical composer along with other members ofwho embraced Russian national identity and added religious and folk elements to their compositions, and the led by composers andwhich was musically conservative. The later tradition ofone of the greatest composers of thewas continued into the 20th century by. World-renowned composers of the 20th century include,and. Russian conservatories have turned out generations of famous soloists. Among the best known are violinists, and ; cellists; pianists,and ; and vocalists,, and. During the early 20th century, Russian ballet dancers and rose to fame, and impresario and his ' travels abroad profoundly influenced the development of dance worldwide. Soviet ballet preserved the perfected 19th-century traditions, and the Soviet Union's choreography schools produced many internationally famous stars, including,and. The in Moscow and the in St Petersburg remain famous throughout the world. Modern music takes its roots both in the Western andand pv russland traditions of the of the Soviet era, such as and. Popular Russian rock groups include,,, and. Literature and philosophy is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time In the 18th century, during the era ofthe development of was boosted by the works of and. By the early 19th century a modern national tradition had emerged, producing some of the greatest writers in Russian history. It continued with the poetry of anddramas of andand the prose of and. By the 1880s, the age of the great novelists was over, and short fiction and poetry became the dominant genres. The next several decades became known as thewhen the previously dominant was replaced by. Leading authors of this era include such poets as,andand novelists, and. The latter group includes andthe founders of. In its further development Russian philosophy was always marked by a deep connection to literature and interest in creativity, society, politics and nationalism; and religious philosophy were other major areas. Notable philosophers of the late pv russland and the early 20th centuries include, and. In the 1930s censorship over literature was tightened in line with the policy of. In the late 1950s restrictions on literature were eased, and by the 1970s and 1980s, writers were increasingly ignoring official guidelines. Leading authors of the Soviet era include novelists emigrated, censored andand poets, and. The Soviet Union was also a major producer of science fiction, written by authors like, and. Traditions of are continued today by numerous writers. Cinema, animation and media Poster of pv russland bywhich was named the at the in 1958. Russian and later was a hotbed of invention in the period immediately following 1917, resulting in world-renowned films such as by. Eisenstein was a student of filmmaker and theoristwho developed the of film editing at the world's first film school, the. The subsequent state policy of socialist realism somewhat limited creativity; however, many Soviet films in this style were artistically successful, including, and. The 1960s and 1970s saw a greater variety of artistic styles in Soviet cinema. In 1961—68 directed an -winning of Leo Tolstoy's epicwhich was made in the Soviet Union. In 1969, 's was released, a very popular film in a genre of ; the film is traditionally watched by before any trip into space. Dmitry Medvedev in the studio of with dates back to late times. During the Soviet era, studio was the largest animation producer. Soviet animators developed a great variety of pioneering techniques and aesthetic styles, with prominent directors includingand. Many Soviet cartoon heroes such as the Russian-stylepv russland littleWolf and Hare fromare iconic images in Russia and many surrounding countries. The late 1980s and pv russland were a period of crisis in Russian cinema and animation. Although Russian filmmakers became free to express themselves, state subsidies were drastically reduced, resulting in fewer films produced. The early years of the 21st century have brought increased viewership and subsequent prosperity to the industry on the back of the economic revival. Production pv russland are already higher than in Britain and Germany. In 2002 the became the first feature film ever to be shot in a single take. The traditions of Soviet animation were developed recently by such directors as and studios like. While there were few stations or channels in the Soviet time, in the past two decades many new state and privately owned and have appeared. In 2005 a state-run English language started broadcasting, and its Arabic version was launched in 2007. Censorship and has always been a main theme of Russian media. Sports The at in Russia Soviet and later have always been in the top four for the number of gold medals collected at the Summer Olympics. Soviet gymnasts, track-and-field athletes, weightlifters, wrestlers, boxers, fencers, shooters, cross country skiers, biathletes, speed skaters and figure skaters were consistently among the best in the world, along with Soviet basketball, handball, volleyball and ice hockey players. Pv russland were held in Moscow while the were hosted in. Russian players, and hold four of six positions in the Team of the Century. Russia has not won the Olympic ice hockey tournament since the won gold in 1992. Russia won the,and the. It is ranked the top hockey league in Europe as of 2009and the second-best in the world. It is an international professional ice hockey league in and consists of 29 teams, of which 21 are based in Russia and 7 more are located in,and. The Soviet Union won all the for men between 1957—79 and some thereafter too. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia has continuously been one of the most successful teams, winning many world championships. The Soviet national team became the first European Champions by winning. Appearing in four from 1958 to 1970, is regarded as one of the greatest goalkeepers in the history of football, and was chosen on the. The Soviet national team reached the finals of. In 1956 and 1988, the Soviet Union won gold at the. Russian clubs and won the in 2005 and 2008. The reached the semi-finals oflosing only to the eventual champions Spain. pv russland Russia had hosted thewith 11 host cities located in the European part of the country and in the Ural region. In 2007, the won the. The Russian basketball club is one of the top teams in Europe, winning the in pv russland. Today, Russia is the leading nation in with. Double 50 m and 100 m freestyle Olympic gold medalist is widely considered the greatest sprint swimmer in history. Russian is the best in the world, with almost all gold medals at Olympics and World Championships having been swept by Russians in recent decades. With the exception of a Soviet or Russian pair has won gold at every Winter Olympics since 1964. Since the end of the Soviet era, tennis has grown in popularity and Russia has produced a number of famous players, including. In martial arts, Russia produced the sport and renowned fighters, like. The were held in Sochi in the south of Russia. In 2016 the found evidence of widespread and an institutional conspiracy to cover up Russian competitors' pv russland drug tests. As of 1 December 2017 25 athletes are disqualified, 11 medals are stripped. The inwhich hosted games of the Formula One is also becoming increasingly popular in Russia. In 2010 of became the first Russian to drive in Formula One, and was soon followed by a second —from — in 2014. There had only been two Russian Grands Prix in 1913 and 1914but the returned as part of the season inas part of a six-year deal. See also: Russia has the most Olympic medals pv russland for doping violationsthe most of any pv russland, four times the number of the runner-up, and more than a third of the global total, and 129 athletes caughtalso the most of any country. From 2011 to 2015, more than a thousand Russian competitors in various sports, including summer, winter, and Paralympic sports, benefited from a state-sponsored cover-up, with no indication that the program has ceased since then. Russia was the host nation for the. Pv russland matches were held from June 14 to July 15, 2018 in the stadiums of 11 various Russian cities, namely,,,and. This was the first World Cup ever held inand the first held in Europe since 2006. Russia will also host games of the. National holidays and pv russland celebration on the river in There are sevenexcept those always celebrated on Sunday. Russian New Year traditions resemble those of the Western Christmas, with and gifts, and playing the same role as. Two other major Christian holidays are Easter and. Further Russian public holidays include February 23which honors Russian men, especially those serving in the army; March 8which combines the traditions of and ; May 1 ; May 9 ; June 12 ; and November 4commemorating the popular uprising which expelled the Polish occupation force from Moscow in 1612. A hugehosted by theis annually organised in Moscow on. Similar parades take place in all major Russian cities and cities with the status or City of Military Glory. Popular non-public holidays include the New Year according to the Julian Calendar on January 14students holiday on January 25a pre-Christian spring holiday a week before thein tribute to the first human trip into spaceanother pre-Christian holiday on July 7 and which takes place on July 8 and is the Russian analogue of Valentine's Day, focusing, however, on family love and fidelity. The dates from the late period and has been widely used since the time of the. The shares its music with thethough not the lyrics. The imperial God is with us and the Soviet motto Proletarians of all countries, unite. The and the full are still widely seen in Russian cities as a part of old architectural decorations. The Soviet are also encountered, often on military equipment and war memorials. The continues to be honored, especially the of 1945. The is a recognizable symbol of Russia, and the towers of and in Moscow are Russia's main architectural icons. The is an animal symbol and a of Russia, though this image has a Western origin and Russians themselves have accepted it only fairly recently. The native Russian national personification is. Pv russland ina popular tourist destination in Saint Petersburg Tourism in Russia has seen rapid growth since the late Soviet period, first domestic tourism and then international tourism, fueled by the rich cultural heritage and great natural variety of the country. Major tourist routes in Pv russland include a journey around the of ancient cities, cruises on the big rivers like theand long journeys on the famous. In 2013, Russia was visited by 28. The number of Western visitors dropped in 2014. Recognized asthey feature such world-renowned museums as the and thefamous theaters like andornate churches like Saint Basil's Cathedral,andimpressive fortifications like the andbeautiful squares and streets like, and. Rich palaces and parks are found in the former imperial residences in suburbs ofand St Petersburg, and. Moscow displays at its best, along withwhile St Petersburg, nicknamed Venice of the North, boasts of its classical architecture, many rivers, canals and. The city has registered a brand The Third Capital of Russia, though a number of other major cities compete for this status, includingand. The warm subtropical Black Sea pv russland of Russia is the site for a number of popular sea resorts, like pv russland, the follow-up host of the. The mountains of the contain popular ski resorts such as. The most famous natural destination in Russia isthe Blue Eye of Siberia. This unique lake, the oldest and deepest in the world, has crystal-clear waters and is surrounded by -covered mountains. Other popular natural destinations include with its volcanoes and geysers, with its lakes and rocks, the snowyand the wild steppes of. Archived from on January 18, 2012. Комитет культуры Новгородской области Novgorod Region Culture Committee. Archived from on July 14, 2014. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Archived from on July 28, 2011. Archived from on April 16, 2016. Archived from on September 27, 2007. Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol. Adelman; Cristann Lea Gibson July 1, 1989. Archived from on October 16, 2009. Archived from on June 10, 2008. The Art of the Scythians: The Interpenetration of Cultures at the Edge of the Hellenic World. The Greek Colonisation of the Black Sea Area: Historical Interpretation of Archaeology. Historical Dynamics: Why States Rise and Fall. A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia. A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia. An Introduction to Medieval Europe, 300—1500. Archived from on April 27, 2011. Archived from on January 21, 2010. State and Society pv russland the Black Sea Steppe, 1500—1700. Archived from on June 7, 2008. History of Russia from the Earliest Times. History of Russia from the Earliest Times. Mediterranean Studies Group at Hitotsubashi University. History of Russia from the Earliest Times. The Thousand-Year Annals of the Extreme Meteorological Phenomena. History of Russia from the Earliest Times. The American Historical Review, Vol. The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931—33, p. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011. A Short History of Christianity; Viking; p. New York Review of Books, July 16, 1998. Archived from on November 22, 2007. The Baltic Transformed: Complexity Theory and European Security. Income, Inequality, and Poverty During the Transformation from Planned to Market Economy. Archived from on December 20, 2008. Archived from on November 11, 2004. Archived from on May 2, 2014. Nikonov: Russia is not a superpower and won't be one for the foreseeable future. But Russia is a great power. It was one, it is one and it will continue to be one. Delegation of the European Union to Russia. 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Russian Literature: A Very Short Introduction Paperback. Red stars: political aspects of Soviet science fiction. Studies in speculative fiction Vol. Russian Soviet pv russland fiction and related critical activity. Tevis, Yvonne Pacheco, Reginald, R. East of the Sun: Russian and Eastern European Science Fiction. Science fiction and fantasy criticism Vol. A History of Russian Cinema. Film Society of Lincoln Center. Archived from on September 5, 2008. Archived from on June 10, 2009. Archived from on February 23, 2002. They Ruled the Pool: The 100 Greatest Swimmers in History. Archived from on November 30, 2010.

It belongs to the family and is one of the living members of the , the others being and and possibly. Since 2003, the exports of natural resources started decreasing in economic importance as the internal market strengthened considerably. These findings are in line with 's 2011 estimate that 73. Soviet gymnasts, track-and-field athletes, weightlifters, wrestlers, boxers, fencers, shooters, cross country skiers, biathletes, speed skaters and figure skaters were consistently among the best in the world, along with Soviet basketball, handball, volleyball and ice hockey players. As in the rest of Europe, was a frequent occurrence between 1350 and 1490.

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Mein macaron

Macaron (French Macaroon) Recipe

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Die Macarons riechen auf jeden Fall besser, als der Käse von dort. The ambiance is so calm and quiet. Jetzt aber erst das Grundrezept für französische Macarons mit dem Thermomix. Outside they become as they should be, only inside they cause problems.

Damit kannst Du den Daheimgebliebenen eine Freude machen — wenn Du es schaffst, genug Selbstdisziplin aufzubringen und die Macarons nicht gleich selber zu verspeisen. Flüssige Farben sind nicht geeignet, da sie die Textur der Macronage ändern. Hier ein Beweisfoto: Geschmacklich waren diese kleinen Macarons köstlich, gefüllt mit weißer Vanille-Ganache.

Mein Macarons Kurs in Paris - Ich habe vor 2 Jahren das erste Mal Macarons gemacht und obwohl ich gute Ergebnisse bekommen habe, hatte ich danach selten Lust welche zu machen.

Jeder liebt sie, jeder will sie, aber nicht jeder hatte bisher Glück mit den Diven. Damit du auch in den Genuss der kleinen Teilchen kommen kannst, gebe ich dir heute eine Anleitung für Macarons, Tipps und Tricks. Ich werde versuchen alles so genau wie möglich zu beschreiben, da ich weiß wie frustrierend es ist wenn die Macarons sich weigern gut zu werden. Außerdem habe ich eine Vorlage gebastelt die du dir ausdrucken kannst und unter dein Backpapier legst wenn du die Macronage spritzt. Ich behandle hier ausschließlich die französische Methode um Macarons herzustellen. Es gibt noch die italienische Methode die Originale bei der man ein Zuckersirup zubereiten muss und dieses mein macaron den Eiweiß gibt. Wahrscheinlich werde ich den Beitrag in Zukunft noch weiter aktualisieren und werde ihn ggf. Bevor wir anfangen etwas vorweg: Ich halte nichts davon hier Sachen schön zu reden. Deswegen einmal die ungeschönte Wahrheit: Die Herstellung von Macarons erfordert Übung. Und eines kann ich dir versprechen: Du wirst ziemlich wahrscheinlich scheitern. Das ging mir am Anfang und immer noch so und das geht wahrscheinlich ziemlich jedem so. Macarons sind kleine Biester die manchmal nicht so wollen wie man selbst. Aber mit Übung und dem richtigen Rezept ist es zu schaffen. Ich möchte dir Mut machen sie einfach mal zu probieren. Mehr als schief gehen kann es doch nicht, oder. Wenn du es nie probierst, wirst du es auch nie lernen. Und vielleicht packt dich ja der Ehrgeiz. Ich habe vor 2 Jahren das erste Mal Macarons gemacht und obwohl ich gute Ergebnisse bekommen habe, hatte ich danach selten Lust welche zu machen. Miterweile mache ich zwei bis dreimal die Woche Macarons. Der Ehrgeiz, Macarons zu perfektionieren, hat mich fest im Griff. Bei einem klappt es so bei dem anderen so. Das habe ich in den letzten Wochen und Monaten, als ich mich durch zig Seiten gelesen habe auf der Suche nach dem goldenen Tippgelernt und akzeptiert. Wir haben alle verschieden gute Backfähigkeiten, verschiedene Öfen, verschiedene Vorstellungen von guten oder schlechten Macarons. Durch probieren kann man aber herausfinden was für einen funktioniert. Es kann sein das du mehrere Rezepte ausprobieren musst bis du eins findet mit dem du klar kommst. Ich habe zum Beispiel das Buch von Aurelie Bastian gekauft weil viele davon schwärmen und erzählen wie gut ihre Macarons damit geklappt haben. Ich habe das Rezept mehrfach probiert aber meine Macarons sind damit nie gut geworden. Und ich denke ich habe genug Übung um sagen zu können ich kann Macarons. Ohne arrogant klingen zu wollen. In den letzten Wochen habe ich viel experiementiert. Habe frische Eiweiß genommen, habe die Eiweiß im Kühlschrank altern lassen, habe den Zucker sofort zum Eiweiß gegeben, es löffelweise dazugegeben, habe mit verschiedenen Lebensmittelfarben gefärbt, Umluft probiert. Mein Resultat war das ich mit allen Varianten gute Macarons hinbekommen habe. Der einzige Unterschied war dass der Deckel von den Macaronschalen bei dem frischen Eiweiß ein wenig dünner war und mehr zum zerbrechen tendierte als beim gealterten Eiweiß. Flüssige Farben sind nicht geeignet, da sie die Textur der Macronage ändern. Sollten deine Macarons beim backen braun werden obwohl du schon eine sehr niedrige Ofentemperatur genutzt hast, kann es sein dass deine Lebensmittelfarbe sich nicht für Macarons eignet. Dieses Problem hatte ich z. Sehr gute Ergebnisse haben dagegen die Pasten von Sugarflair erzielt. Generell solltest du immer einen Farbton dunkler färben, da die Zugabe der trockenen Zutaten die Farbe wieder ein wenig bleicht. Backbleche Lange hatte ich das Problem, dass meine Macarons hohl werden manchmal sind sie es auch immer noch bis ich mir endlich ein paar gute Backbleche gekauft habe. Meine alten waren recht dünn und nicht besonders gerade. Die neuen sind ziemlich schwer und wesentlich dicker. Ich kann euch gute Backbleche also nur ans Herz legen. Zutaten: 2 Eiweiß 50 g Zucker 75 g gemahlene Mandeln 115 g Puderzucker Lebensmittelfarbe Vorbereitung Mein macaron altern oder frisches nehmen. Eiweiß altern: trenne die Eier mindestens 24 Stunden vorher am besten aber 48 Stunden. Stelle die Eiweiß abgedeckt in den Kühlschrank und nimm sie dann ein paar Stunden vor Gebrauch aus dem Kühlschrank damit sie Zimmertemperatur haben. Bevor du aber anfängst und das Eiweiß in deine Schüssel diese mein macaron unbedingt fettfrei sein. Stecke die Tülle in den Spritzbeutel und verdreh die Öffnung ein paar Mal so dass die Macronage nicht gleich herausläuft. Schneide das Backpapier zurecht und lege es auf deine Backbleche. Ich habe vor einer Weile eine Silikonmatte mit den Kreisen probiert und meine Macarons sind nichts geworden. Trotz langer Backzeit konnte ich sie nicht von der Matte entfernen. Ich wurde gefragt wie ich meine Macarons so glatt bekomme: ich gebe Puderzucker und die gemahlenen Mandeln in meinen Blender und lasse ihn ein bis zwei Minuten laufen. Zwischendurch stoppe ich den Blender und rühre mit dem Löffel um damit Stücke die am Boden des Behälters liegen nach oben kommen und auch verarbeitet werden. Grobe Stücke kommen nochmal in den Blender und werden noch einmal gesiebt. Bleiben dann noch grobe Stücke übrig, entsorge ich sie. Bitte nicht nur die Mandeln in den Blender geben, da bei langer Verarbeitung im Blender die Öle austreten können. Also immer schön den Puderzucker dazugeben. Zubereitung Liegt alles bereit, kann es losgehen. Gib das Eiweiß in deine Schüssel. Schalte deinen Mixer an — mittel bis schnelle Geschwindigkeit Stufe 4 mein macaron 6 bei KitchenAid. Mixe so lange bis das Eiweiß schaumig ist. Ich meine nicht nur ein paar Blasen sondern wirklich schaumig. Dann löffelweise den Zucker dazugeben und nach jeder Zugabe gut mixen. Ich bevorzuge es den Mixer auszuschalten und gebe dann den Zucker dazu. Ist der Zucker aufgebraucht, die Geschwindigkeit erhöhen 8 bis 10 bei KitchenAid und das Eiweiss steif schlagen. Jetzt kann man auch Lebensmittelfarbe dazugeben und nochmals gut mixen. Das Eiweiß sollte nicht mehr vom Rührer fallen. Ist das Eiweiß schön steif, gebe ich drei bis vier Esslöffel vom Mandelmehl dazu. Mit einem Teigschaber fahre ich an der Seite und Boden der Schüssel entlang mein macaron in runden Bewegungen und hebe es so um das der Teig von oben nach unten fällt da quasi das Mandelmehl auf dem Eiweiß liegt. Ich bin da wirklich nicht vorsichtig weil die Luft die im Teig bleibt, dann die Luftbläschen sind die man rausklopfen muss. Bei anderen Rezepten muss man mit Eischnee vorsichtig sein, aber in diesem Fall wollen wir einen Teil der eingearbeiteten Luft wieder entfernen. Dann gebe ich das nächste Drittel dazu und wiederhole den Vorgang. Zum Schluss den Rest dazugeben und weiter mixen. Jetzt kommt der Teil bei dem es schief gehen kann und man nur mit Übung weiß wann die Macronage fertig ist. Solltest du dir nicht sicher sein, dann mixe lieber ein bisschen zu wenig mein macaron das kleine bisschen zu viel. Ganz oft ist zu lesen, dass die Masse wie Lava aussehen soll. Und wie sieht Lava aus. Also ich habe mit dieser Aussage wirklich Probleme. So testest du ob deine Macronage fertig ist: hebe deinen Teigschaber und lasse die Macronage in die Schüssel fallen. Zerfliesst die Macronage zäh aber dennoch mein macaron schnell und glänzt, ist sie fertig siehe Foto. Zerfließt sie sehr langsam und ist noch sehr zäh siehe Fotodann mixe noch einmal kurz weiter. In diesem Fall würden die Macarons kleine Zipfel bekommen, da die Masse nicht genug zerläuft. Die Masse sollte auf keinen Fall komplett flüssig sein dann hast du zu lange umgerührt. Dann gebe ich die Masse in meinen Spritzbeutel. Mit ein wenig Teig fixiere ich mein Backpapier die Vorlage darunter auf dem Blech, damit es nicht verrutscht. Ich halte den Spritzbeutel senkrecht mein macaron dem Kreis auf der Vorlage und spritze den Teig von innen nach außen. Ist der Kreis groß genug, entferne ich den Druck auf den Spritzbeutel so dass kein Teig mehr fliesst und hebe den Spritzbeutel weg mein macaron dem gerade bespritzen Kreis. Den Vorgang wiederhole ich bis das Blech voll ist. Den Spritzbeutel lege ich dann zu Seite, entferne vorsichtig die Vorlage und klopfe die Unterseite des Bleches um Luftbläschen zu entfernen. Kleine Blasen zersteche ich vorsichtig mit einem Zahnstocher. Das muss aber gleich nach dem Aufspritzen gemacht werden. Die Macarons lasse ich dann 30 Minuten ruhen bis sie eine ledrige Haut gebildet haben. Backen Sobald meine Macarons ruhen, schalte ich meinen Ofen an 130 Grad und lasse ihn 30 Minuten mein macaron. Damit habe ich bis jetzt gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Ist das erste Blech fertig gebacken dauert zwischen 13 und 16 Minutenschliesse ich den Ofen für etwa 2 Minuten und schiebe dann erst das mein macaron Backblech rein. Ich habe Ober- und Unterhitze, sowie Umluft probiert. Backe ich meine Macarons mit Umluft brauchen sie drei bis vier Minuten länger als mit Ober- und Unterhitze. Ich empfehle ein Ofenthermometer mit dem du genau prüfen kannst wie heiß dein Ofen ist und ggf. Sobald deine Macarons im Ofen sind widerstehe der Versuchung den Ofen frühzeitig aufzumachen. Dies kann dazu führen dass die Macarons zwar aufgehen aber dann wieder zusammenfallen. Ich drehe mein Backblech sobald sie die Hälfte der Backzeit hinter sich haben. Woran erkennst du das die Macarons fertig sind. Ich stupse immer vorsichtig den Deckel an an der Seite und wenn der sich noch bewegt brauchen die Macarons nicht länger. Die Macarons dann komplett abkühlen lassen bevor du sie vom Backpapier löst. Die Macarons können mein macaron gefüllt werden und sollten mindestens vier Stunden am besten länger in den Kühlschrank. So haben sie Zeit sich mit der Füllung zu verbinden und leicht knusprige Macarons werden wieder weich. Die Macarons haben Risse Der Ofen war vielleicht zu heiß und die Macronage zu flüssig. Die Macarons sind ungleichmäßig groß Die Macronage war wahrscheinlich zu flüssig. Die Macarons lassen sich nicht vom Backpapier lösen Wahrscheinlich hast du die Macarons zu früh aus dem Ofen genommen oder die Macarons mein macaron noch warm. Die Vorlage kannst du dir hier herunterladen: Ich hoffe diese kleine Anleitung war hilfreich für dich. Schreibe mir einen Kommentar oder eMail und ich versuche dir zu helfen. Ich habe zwar schon das ein oder andere Mal gute Macarons hinbekommen — das war aber wohl auch ein bisschen Glückssache. Aber nachdem wirklich jeder daran scheitern zu scheint ists ja anscheinend wirklich nicht schwer. Bisher bin ich mit den Macarons noch ziemlich auf Kriegsfuß aber ich lasse mich davon nicht entmutigen. Auch in Bezug auf die Farbe. Vielen Dank schon für deine Antwort.

Himbeer Macarons (perfekt für Muttertag und gelingsicher)
There are many types of feet. They have wine glasses and corkscrews for you use. But I noticed the initial pretty feet just shrunk and shrunk when they are baking in the oven. Additionally, I got Vietnamese ice coffee. Ist das Eiweiß schön steif, gebe ich drei bis vier Esslöffel vom Mandelmehl dazu. Do you perhaps have some thoughts on why this is happening and what I can do to prevent this and have a beautiful evenly-sized foot underneath my macarons, like yours? Deine Seite ist mein klarer Sieger. Aber hübsch sind sie bei deinem zweiten Versuch schon geworden ;. Alle möglichen Fehlerquellen habe ich in den Folgenden Beiträgen ausführlich beschrieben und mit Vorschlägen versehen, wie sie zu vermeiden sind. Do you have any suggestions? Vielen Dank schon für deine Antwort. Do you know how I can keep my cookies from changing shape when using parchment?

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